Tuesday 4 August 2015

Papaya kebab


Friends back with a simple to prepare & yummy to eat recipe.

This is a type of kebab different from the other kebabs, speciality of this kebab is it is not made of any meat item & this is for my Vegetarian friends as this is made from our dear fruit Papaya yes you read it right it's Papaya Kebab.

Let's look towards our recipe.


Papaya - Half (you can use ripe or raw, both goes well) I used left out ripe Papaya
Chilli Powder - Half tea Spoon
Oregano Herbs - Half tea spoon
Peppercorns - 1/4 tea spoon (Crushed)
Salt - As per taste
Oil - 1 tea Spoon


Chop Papayas into diamond shape, in a bowl sprinkle Chilli powder, oregano, salt & crushed peppercorns over the papaya & toss, after a minute long of tossing drizzle a tea spoon of oil. Let it rest for an hour.

After an hour, preheat Oven in grill mode at 180 degree for 5 minutes, then arrange the papaya pieces on the grill stand & let it grill for a period of 5 minutes.

When your Microwave rings a bell, your kebabs are ready to eat with tomato ketchup.

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